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What Side to Sleep on When Your Stomach Hurts

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What Side to Sleep on When Your Stomach Hurts

Aching stomach? No need to worry. The right sleeping position can help ease those stomach pains. Here are a few options:


Side-lying is a good position for stomach pain because it helps to relieve pressure on the stomach and intestines. It’s also helpful if you have acid reflux, as side-lying can help with that too.

The best way to sleep in this position is on your left side (your right if you’re left-handed). This is because the liver is located on the right side of your body, so sleeping on it will put less stress on that organ than sleeping flat would do–and less stress means less pain!

On Your Back

If you’re experiencing stomach pain, it’s best to sleep on your back. This position helps with digestion and is also beneficial for those who have GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

To get into this position:

  • Lay in bed with pillows under the head of your bed and under each knee. This will help keep your spine straight when sleeping on your back.
  • Place a pillow between your legs for added comfort and support if needed!

On Your Stomach

If you have a stomachache, sleeping on your stomach is not the best idea. While it’s true that sleeping in any position can sometimes make an existing pain worse, sleeping on your stomach can exacerbate the symptoms of an upset stomach by making it more difficult for you to breathe. If you snore or suffer from acid reflux (GERD), this position may also aggravate those conditions as well.

There are certain sleeping positions that can help alleviate stomach pain.

There are certain sleeping positions that can help alleviate stomach pain. The best position to sleep in when you have a stomachache is side lying, which is also known as the “fetal position.” This will keep your body straight and your spine aligned, so it’s not bent at an angle.

If you’re pregnant or have back problems or leg cramps, sleeping on your side may be painful for these reasons as well. In this case, try putting pillows under the lower part of your body so that it’s elevated slightly off the mattress; this helps with circulation and reduces strain on muscles throughout the night (and day).


We hope this article has helped you understand which sleeping positions are best for stomach pain. If your stomach hurts at night, try to sleep on your side or back. If you still have trouble sleeping after trying these techniques, then please see your doctor!