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5 Mattress Myths Debunked

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5 Mattress Myths Debunked

The mattress shopping experience can be confusing and stressful. There are so many different options that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. And all the information out there about mattresses is often conflicting or confusing. On top of that, mattress myths and old wives’ tales are everywhere—but they’re not all true! So, before you go mattress shopping, check out these five myths we debunked for our readers:

Myth #1: All new mattresses are the same.

The first and most important thing to know about mattresses is that they can be made of different materials. The second thing is that they’re built in different ways, which means there’s no one right way to make a mattress; there are many ways to make a good one–and some might not even include foam!

Mattress quality depends on how they are made and what they’re made of; it also depends on how you use them: if you like firm beds or soft ones, if you sleep alone or with someone else (or both), if your partner moves around while he/she sleeps… These factors will all affect how long your mattress lasts before needing replacement or repair.

Myth #2: A firm mattress is the best mattress for your back.

To help alleviate pain and discomfort and help your body relax into a regenerative sleep, you need a mattress that conforms to your favorite sleeping position while supporting your entire body. In general, mattresses fall into three categories:

Soft mattresses conform to your body shape but fail to deliver uniform support for the entire body.

Medium firm mattresses conform and support equally and alleviate pressure point pain for most people.

Extra firm mattresses offer solid support but with little ability to conform which can lead to pressure point pain.

Myth #3: A mattress should be flipped often to keep in good condition.

  • Most mattresses today are one-sided, which means they should NEVER be flipped. But there are other ways to keep your mattress quality intact and can help keep your mattress in good condition.
  • Rotate every two weeks for the first few months.
  • Rotate your mattress monthly for the first 6 months and then every 4 months after that.
  • Sleep in a variety of positions and places on the mattress to help prevent uneven wearing of the mattress. This will help ensure that your mattress surface is used evenly.

The biggest thing to remember is that body impressions are NORMAL up to 1 ½ inches and not considered a defect in the mattress.

Myth #4: Replace your mattress every 8 years.

The Better Sleep Council recommends replacing your mattress every 7-10 years, depending on comfort and support. The truth is that the life of your mattress depends on your body size, how much you sleep as well as how you take care of the mattress. Making sure to clean and rotate the mattress to ensure the quality stays intact longer.

When it comes to replacing a mattress, you’ll know when it’s time to shop for a new mattress just based off of how you feel when you wake up and if your sleep quality has changed.

Myth #5: You need a box spring to support the mattress.

The truth is you can use any kind of bed frame with any type of mattress. But if you don’t have a box spring, then you may want to consider purchasing an adjustable base. A platform bed with no box spring allows the mattress to be lower than the base of the bed, making it easier to get in and out of bed.


So, there you have it–five mattress myths debunked. You should feel confident in your decision to buy the right mattress for you, whether that means going with a traditional firmness or one that offers support and comfort at the same time. The most important thing is to make sure it’s comfortable!