Soup is a fantastic way to get in some fresh, healthy ingredients without having to worry about how many calories you’re eating. This soup can be made with any vegetable you desire and it’s simple to make. All you need are the right ingredients and a little bit of patience while it cooks. This recipe makes three servings so that you don’t have leftovers sitting around the house all week long!
- 1 pound of chicken breasts
- 1 stalk celery, chopped.
- 1 onion, diced.
- 2 carrots, peeled and chopped (or one cup baby carrots)
- Italian seasoning (to taste)
- Garlic powder (to taste) * Salt and pepper (to taste)
- 2 cups chicken broth.
To prepare this recipe, freeze the ingredients in a Ziploc bag. Then, put them in your crock pot and cook for 5 hours on low heat. Serve hot!
Cooking instructions
- Cook on high for 4 hours.
- Add more water or chicken broth if needed.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
This soup is nutritious and low in calories.
This soup is nutritious and low in calories. It contains vitamins, minerals, protein and dietary fiber. This chicken soup is also low in fat (only 2 grams per serving), carbohydrates (15 grams) and cholesterol (less than 1 milligram).
Soup is a great way to get some veggies in your diet and the perfect meal for Fall. The combination of veggies makes it flavorful, while the chicken stock adds some protein and other nutrients. Read our weekly blogs for more fun recipes!